Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Counseling Office Intern

This year Mrs. Stacey Oswald will be joining us in the counseling office. Mrs. Oswald is a graduate of Cornerstone University and is completing her Master's in School Counseling at Spring Arbor University. She began Campus Life in Lowell over three years ago, which is a mentoring program for LMS students. She will be with us for the majority of the school year and will be dividing her time between the middle school and high school.

New Students and Incoming 6th Graders

We are so excited to announce that this year LMS has 41 new students! This Thursday, Sept. 17, we will be providing pizza in the Counseling Corner for our new students. This will take place during the lunch period for each grade. We also would like to welcome all of the incoming 6th grade students. Part of what we do each year to ensure the 6th graders are off to a good start at LMS is meeting with each of them individually. Please remind your student that if they receive a pass to go to the counseling office that they are never in trouble and there is no need to be nervous. We care deeply for all of our students so a check-in from us is very normal.

Welcome Back!

It is hard to believe another school year has started. We have loved seeing the hallways filled with students again. We hope that your students' first few weeks back have been enjoyable and have gone smoothly. To help the year go as well as possible for your students, the counseling office will be offering a variety of resources and opportunities. Throughout the year we will be teaching lessons in the classrooms, providing various activities and events for your students to participate in, and we are always available to talk one-on-one. As these opportunities come up we will provide information on the blog. We also want you to know that not only are we here for your students, but we are here for you as well. Please do not hesitate to contact us and we will do our best to be a helpful resource for you.